Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Interesting Retreat

Last June Grace and I went with our church's youth group to a christian camp called WKYC. We went to this camp because our church's new preacher always goes to this camp and he wanted us all to go. It was a cool camp, smart rules, good food, awesome lessons, and nice people. We had a lot of fun!

A few weeks ago our church posted a bulletin that said WKYC was going to have a weekend retreat. I decided to go and so did a few of my friends that had gone to the camp too. Not as many people in our youth group went because some had gotten jobs or they had something going on that weekend.

On friday I carpooled with my friends to the retreat. When we got to the camp we saw hardly ten kids around the entire camp, apparently not as many people were coming to the retreat. Once everyone had arrived, there were only about forty teens.

Saturday started off fine, though one of the girls in our cabin said she had felt horrible Friday night and threw up. She felt fine by morning so we guessed it must have been a weird stomach bug.

We had a few lessons that morning and some free time. Since there was hardly anyone around, the free time was kinda boring. Before lunch they had us do something I had never done at a camp before, they had study time. What they made us do was just go to a empty part of the camp with our Bibles and just read or pray for thirty min. I accidently sat in the sun so I was burning up, and so I sat watching ants for most of it.

After prayer time we had more free time and that was fun because we found some playing cards. A bunch of people got together some outdoor games and those were also fun to watch. We had some amazing singing around a fire (why is singing always better at camp?) and then we went to bed.

Saturday night, I was dreaming about a stomachache, when I woke and puked over the side of the bed... "Great." I woke up my friend who was on the bed next to me, I told her I threw up and she said "Ok" and went back to sleep. The next day she told me that she thought I had said I had felt like throwing up. I woke one of our counselors and she was really nice she told me to go back to bed and she would clean it all up.

Sunday I felt better. We had a sermon that morning, And we were picked up by my friend's mom.
Over all it was a pretty fun retreat.

(Though next time I will check my temperature before we leave).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Modernized Capture The Flag

Yesterday was Labor Day. Grace and I went to our friends' house to play Capture The Flag. We played a bit differently than the traditional way... we used Air-Soft guns!

The rules were a bit different. Each team had to know where the opposing team's flag was, because it's very hard to look for a little flag while being shot at. In our version every player had a gun, and when a player was hit they were out until they ran back to touch their flag.

Our friend's house is perfect for this type of game. They live in the woods so there are a lot of trees. They have a large raised front and back porches.

We had two teams of three players each. My team's territory was the back yard. We had two handguns and a sniper rifle.

Grace's team had the front yard. They were armed with two handguns and a shotgun. The main advantage that Grace's team had was that they had two gas powered handguns.

What I learned from this game was... I can't aim. But most of all, I do not like being shot in the forehead with an Air-Soft shotgun. 

 Good thing I had goggles on.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tutorial Time

This is now my second week of my new tutorial, SHINE! I am really enjoying it. I have never gone to a tutorial before so this has been a very new experience for me.

If you don't remember, I am taking Algebra I, Biology, and Spanish I.  My favorite class would have to be either Biology or Algebra. And that is really weird for me, because I have never really liked math or science. But my teachers at SHINE are very good at explaining things and I have very good school books.

The first week of math was not quite as fun as this week because I never took Pre Algebra.  I was going to this year but something about a new law made it so that this year I have to go ahead and start Algebra 1. So for my first class, I had no idea what my Algebra teacher was talking about.  Literally, I was sitting through the entire hour not understanding a single word. When I got home I told Mom and she had to go over the whole lesson with me. I finally caught on and I think I am going to like Algebra.

My second week is going much better.  SHINE is going to be great!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Birthdays And Drivers License

 This week has been a very important week for Grace, Monday was her sixteenth birthday! She was so excited!

Grace's birthday gifts were perfect for her because the two greatest  things in her life are; Music, and chocolate. So this is what she got for her birthday. Some things for her guitars, like a new cord for her electric guitar, and a holder for her classical guitar that lets her hang it up on the wall. She also got a piano and guitar book for all the songs in the movie "New Moon", and a iTunes gift card.

 Grace got a large chocolate bar for her birthday also, Mom did not want her to get too much. Later that day we saw some of our friends, and they all gave her bags of chocolate... So much for Mom's plan.

The day after Grace's birthday she and mom went to go take her Drivers License test. She passed it!!
We are all so happy! She drove all by herself to her job of teaching piano to a little boy we know.

One of the things Grace was excited about with getting her license is that a guy we know is always joking with Grace that he is 57 minutes older. Now Grace can say that she got her license two days before him. She can't wait to tell him.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vacation Is Over Now School Starts.

Hello everyone! Vacation ended last week so we started school. I am now a freshman in highschool! (should I be exited or worried about that?)

I am going to go to a tutorial this year for some of my schoolwork. At the tutorial I will be taking; Algebra1, Biology, and Spanish. At home I will learn; US History, English, German and my favorite subject Literature! Along with school I will have P.E. and Luke, Grace, and I are taking a ballroom dance class.

The start of the school year was very interesting. The last Friday of summer Luke, Grace, and I went to a fair with Luke's girlfriend Brittany, A fair as you all probably know is not a very clean place; Saturday morning I woke up with pinkeye. Yay. The first few days of school I had to keep putting drops of medicine in my eye. Good thing I am used to contacts or I would have had a problem with that.

Yesterday, Grace and I were invited to go fishing with some friends at a very big pond. No one caught any thing and is was very hot so we went to a small building next to the pond, to get some water. While we were standing there chatting I heard some very high pitched meows.  We looked over and this tiny stray kitten, about two weeks old, is standing there wobbling on its legs yelling at us.  I picked it up because it was so tiny and cute I couldn't leave it.  I took it home and guilted mom into my taking care of it.

So now I have a adorable little black kitten.

I hope that is not bad luck?

Monday, June 7, 2010

A City In Our House

This morning Mom told me to build a city for Jack made out of Lincoln Logs. He played with the city for a long time. Here are a few pictures.

He played with it for a long time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reading and Broken Toes

My Mom recently found out about a summer reading program at our library. You log the amount of time that you read each day and then you get prizes for certain amounts of time read, and when you finish a book.

 I love to read anyway, and now I get prizes for reading? Yay! Grace, Bekah, Ben, and I joined the program. Mom also joined up Jack and Sam but all they do is get read to.

Most of the prizes are nice things like ice cream at McDonalds, or a lime-ade at Sonic. But some of the prizes I could do without, like a t-shirt I won that says "Make a Splash! Read!" in big colorful letters on it.

I guess I now have a new night shirt.    


Last Friday was our P.E. banquet, I was having a very fun time until around 10:00 pm.

At 10:00 p.m. we played a game called "Bulldog". For those who don't know the rules here they are; One person called the bulldog stands in the middle of the room while everyone else stands at the wall. When the bulldog says go, everyone runs to the other side of the room and the bulldog has to capture someone by grabbing them and picking them up off the ground. The captured person is now on the team of the bulldog and has to help capture other people. The last person left free becomes the new bulldog.

All was fine until the second game of bulldog. A boy named Jordan was the bulldog, he started running for me so I switched directions and tripped over someone, the person I tripped on, fell on me and Oww! it broke my toe.