Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

This Thanksgiving was a very nice one. Our grandparents come every year for thanksgiving and for Ben and Sam's birthday- which is in the same week as Thanksgiving.

When my grandparents come we call it Thanksmas because they bring all our Christmas gifts with them and we open them that week. they visit our cousins in New Jersey for Christmas.

This year we also invited our piano teacher and some friends that we had not seen for a few years. We had a monster turkey and lots of other stuff, I was not hungry till two days afterward.

We went shopping the next day. I got a lot of clothes that I had needed but when I got home I put on my new skinny jeans, the problem was that I am almost too tall for them. Great.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hair cuts and dye

The only colors my hair has ever been is: blond (when I was younger than five), brown (age five and up), and now red (hair dye). After I turned thirteen I begged my mom to let me dye my hair. Finally one day when Mom was errand running she came home while I was on Facebook, walked up to the computer, and put something on the desk. I looked and there was red hair dye. I dyed my hair and when I walked outside it looked like my hair was bright red but inside it looked dark red. I have just recently dyed it again the same color I really like it.

My mom has not had the same good experience with hair dye. The first time she dyed her hair it was dyed a brown color but it turned purple after a while. The reason she dyed it was because it was getting some gray. A few months passed and gray was creeping in again and her hair had not been cut in a while. The day before New Year my mom and I were out shopping and mom passed this little hair cutting place. She decided to go inside and get her hair cut because she wanted her hair to look nice for a New Years Eve party that night. The lady gave my mom badly cut old-lady hair and puffed it a lot. Mom tried to fix it a few weeks later by dying it black but it just made it worse. Mom looked bad, she was not happy.

Now her hair is growing out and the black is going away but now her hair looks like "Mr. Fantastic" from the "Fantastic Four."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Little Brothers

My littlest brothers are so cute; Jack is three, he is brown haired and has big brown eyes, Sam is two, he also has brown hair but he has hazel eyes.

They are so funny. Sometimes when we take away something that Sam wants, he makes a hitting motion and says "bad boy!"

We often get movies from "Netflix". Once we got the movie "Flushed Away". We had been telling Jack that we were going to watch it that night, so at dinner when Jack said the prayer it was like this; "Dear God, please bless da food an thank you for mommy an daddy an thank you for fushed away, Amen."

The one thing that makes Jack and Sam different than other little kids is that they have a metabolic disorder. I have no idea how to explain what that is. If you want to understand it go to my moms blog Her blog is mostly about Sam and Jack.

What I do understand is that if Sam and Jack's blood sugar gets too low they get severe hypoglycemia and that means they have to go to the ER. They have lots of medicine that they have to take at meal times.

They are still very sweet little boys and there is nothing to stop them from having a normal life.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Our Pets

Our family has had lots of pets since I was born. We have had two dogs, one bird, two rats, four rabbits, and two cats.

The four rabbits are all dead. The first rabbit was named Cottontail, it was a very sweet rabbit. One day it got out of its cage and started happily hopping round the yard. Our dog saw it and was walking up to it when Cottontail saw the dog and had a heart attack.

The other three rabbits we got from the same person at a fair. Two of them died from a sickness after two weeks. The other one, Peter Rabbit, had a very happy life. We did had a problem with a neighbor taking him out of the cage petting him and then walking away and not shutting the cage door.

The bird was for my birthday, I named her Tweedy. We had to give her away because she made the house smell, but I did teach her to stand on my finger. Once we had some friends over and one of them wanted to put her finger in so the bird could stand on it, she opened the door too wide and Tweedy flew out and then under the bed, my brother Luke got bit but we got her back in the cage.

My brother Luke has had two rats, they both got sick but they were fun. Every time I told one of my friends that we had a rat they would get grossed out, but as soon as they saw how pretty the rat was they would want to hold it. Both rats were brown and white, and they were both named after a Pokemon. One of the rats loved to chew through his wire cage. Once he got out and was exploring the house when the same dog that scared the rabbit, found the rat, picked him up, and took him to the dining room where we were eating breakfast. The dog went up to the table, dropped the rat and looked at us as if to say "can I eat it?" we said no.

The two dogs we have had were both named after brand food, Hershey, and Mellow Yellow. Mellow is the same dog that scared the rabbit and caught the rat. She was a very sweet dog, half siberian husky and half mutt, she was a very pretty yellow color.

The other dog Hershey was a Labrador. He was a very nice but wild dog that invisible fencing would not work on. If he heard us playing in the front yard we would know by sound he was coming to play, YELP! (him leaving the back yard) YELP! (him entering the front yard). We had to finally give him away because he was so full of energy that it was mean to tie him up.

Lastly the two cats, one named Linus (from the peanuts cartoon) and Lewis. Linus is a cat we got from a friend, Lewis is a stray who Linus invited to dinner and never then left. They are very sweet cats- the neighbors are starting to leave out food for them, so they are now fat cats!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This halloween we went to our church's first Trunk or Treat, it was very fun. Trunk or Treat is when the people of the church park in the parking lot and open their trunks, they sit in the trunk and pass out candy.

I went wearing a red and black dress with a flared sleeve, and vampire teeth. My friends were a witch, a 1970's pop girl, and a gangster. Three of my family did not go; my sister Rebekah who is sick, my Dad who stayed to take care of Bekah, and my brother Luke who needed to practice for a test.

I left Trunk or Treat with my friend Olivia's family, they were going to a haunted wood. My friend and I did not go in because 1. she had gone through a week ago. 2. I hate haunted woods. We waited outside with a friend who runs a concession stand with her older sister, their cousin owns the haunted woods. My friend Beth who works at the concession stand had gotten a wig for halloween and she was wearing it, it looked so stupid that and Olivia and I could not look at her without laughing.

When I got home from the Haunted Woods all the little kids were in bed, my Dad had "Ghost Busters" turned on, my brother was still practicing for the test, and Bekah was still sick.