Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Interesting Retreat

Last June Grace and I went with our church's youth group to a christian camp called WKYC. We went to this camp because our church's new preacher always goes to this camp and he wanted us all to go. It was a cool camp, smart rules, good food, awesome lessons, and nice people. We had a lot of fun!

A few weeks ago our church posted a bulletin that said WKYC was going to have a weekend retreat. I decided to go and so did a few of my friends that had gone to the camp too. Not as many people in our youth group went because some had gotten jobs or they had something going on that weekend.

On friday I carpooled with my friends to the retreat. When we got to the camp we saw hardly ten kids around the entire camp, apparently not as many people were coming to the retreat. Once everyone had arrived, there were only about forty teens.

Saturday started off fine, though one of the girls in our cabin said she had felt horrible Friday night and threw up. She felt fine by morning so we guessed it must have been a weird stomach bug.

We had a few lessons that morning and some free time. Since there was hardly anyone around, the free time was kinda boring. Before lunch they had us do something I had never done at a camp before, they had study time. What they made us do was just go to a empty part of the camp with our Bibles and just read or pray for thirty min. I accidently sat in the sun so I was burning up, and so I sat watching ants for most of it.

After prayer time we had more free time and that was fun because we found some playing cards. A bunch of people got together some outdoor games and those were also fun to watch. We had some amazing singing around a fire (why is singing always better at camp?) and then we went to bed.

Saturday night, I was dreaming about a stomachache, when I woke and puked over the side of the bed... "Great." I woke up my friend who was on the bed next to me, I told her I threw up and she said "Ok" and went back to sleep. The next day she told me that she thought I had said I had felt like throwing up. I woke one of our counselors and she was really nice she told me to go back to bed and she would clean it all up.

Sunday I felt better. We had a sermon that morning, And we were picked up by my friend's mom.
Over all it was a pretty fun retreat.

(Though next time I will check my temperature before we leave).


  1. HAHAHAHA!! I ABSOLUTLEY <3 that story! I <3 the part where you told about the spooky mansion, and ALL of the kids peed there pants.. FAV. Part!!!! c ya @ church!!

  2. that was me at the top...
