Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Modernized Capture The Flag

Yesterday was Labor Day. Grace and I went to our friends' house to play Capture The Flag. We played a bit differently than the traditional way... we used Air-Soft guns!

The rules were a bit different. Each team had to know where the opposing team's flag was, because it's very hard to look for a little flag while being shot at. In our version every player had a gun, and when a player was hit they were out until they ran back to touch their flag.

Our friend's house is perfect for this type of game. They live in the woods so there are a lot of trees. They have a large raised front and back porches.

We had two teams of three players each. My team's territory was the back yard. We had two handguns and a sniper rifle.

Grace's team had the front yard. They were armed with two handguns and a shotgun. The main advantage that Grace's team had was that they had two gas powered handguns.

What I learned from this game was... I can't aim. But most of all, I do not like being shot in the forehead with an Air-Soft shotgun. 

 Good thing I had goggles on.

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