Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Birthdays And Drivers License

 This week has been a very important week for Grace, Monday was her sixteenth birthday! She was so excited!

Grace's birthday gifts were perfect for her because the two greatest  things in her life are; Music, and chocolate. So this is what she got for her birthday. Some things for her guitars, like a new cord for her electric guitar, and a holder for her classical guitar that lets her hang it up on the wall. She also got a piano and guitar book for all the songs in the movie "New Moon", and a iTunes gift card.

 Grace got a large chocolate bar for her birthday also, Mom did not want her to get too much. Later that day we saw some of our friends, and they all gave her bags of chocolate... So much for Mom's plan.

The day after Grace's birthday she and mom went to go take her Drivers License test. She passed it!!
We are all so happy! She drove all by herself to her job of teaching piano to a little boy we know.

One of the things Grace was excited about with getting her license is that a guy we know is always joking with Grace that he is 57 minutes older. Now Grace can say that she got her license two days before him. She can't wait to tell him.