Monday, June 7, 2010

A City In Our House

This morning Mom told me to build a city for Jack made out of Lincoln Logs. He played with the city for a long time. Here are a few pictures.

He played with it for a long time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reading and Broken Toes

My Mom recently found out about a summer reading program at our library. You log the amount of time that you read each day and then you get prizes for certain amounts of time read, and when you finish a book.

 I love to read anyway, and now I get prizes for reading? Yay! Grace, Bekah, Ben, and I joined the program. Mom also joined up Jack and Sam but all they do is get read to.

Most of the prizes are nice things like ice cream at McDonalds, or a lime-ade at Sonic. But some of the prizes I could do without, like a t-shirt I won that says "Make a Splash! Read!" in big colorful letters on it.

I guess I now have a new night shirt.    


Last Friday was our P.E. banquet, I was having a very fun time until around 10:00 pm.

At 10:00 p.m. we played a game called "Bulldog". For those who don't know the rules here they are; One person called the bulldog stands in the middle of the room while everyone else stands at the wall. When the bulldog says go, everyone runs to the other side of the room and the bulldog has to capture someone by grabbing them and picking them up off the ground. The captured person is now on the team of the bulldog and has to help capture other people. The last person left free becomes the new bulldog.

All was fine until the second game of bulldog. A boy named Jordan was the bulldog, he started running for me so I switched directions and tripped over someone, the person I tripped on, fell on me and Oww! it broke my toe.