Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vacation Is Over Now School Starts.

Hello everyone! Vacation ended last week so we started school. I am now a freshman in highschool! (should I be exited or worried about that?)

I am going to go to a tutorial this year for some of my schoolwork. At the tutorial I will be taking; Algebra1, Biology, and Spanish. At home I will learn; US History, English, German and my favorite subject Literature! Along with school I will have P.E. and Luke, Grace, and I are taking a ballroom dance class.

The start of the school year was very interesting. The last Friday of summer Luke, Grace, and I went to a fair with Luke's girlfriend Brittany, A fair as you all probably know is not a very clean place; Saturday morning I woke up with pinkeye. Yay. The first few days of school I had to keep putting drops of medicine in my eye. Good thing I am used to contacts or I would have had a problem with that.

Yesterday, Grace and I were invited to go fishing with some friends at a very big pond. No one caught any thing and is was very hot so we went to a small building next to the pond, to get some water. While we were standing there chatting I heard some very high pitched meows.  We looked over and this tiny stray kitten, about two weeks old, is standing there wobbling on its legs yelling at us.  I picked it up because it was so tiny and cute I couldn't leave it.  I took it home and guilted mom into my taking care of it.

So now I have a adorable little black kitten.

I hope that is not bad luck?

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