Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Little Brothers

My littlest brothers are so cute; Jack is three, he is brown haired and has big brown eyes, Sam is two, he also has brown hair but he has hazel eyes.

They are so funny. Sometimes when we take away something that Sam wants, he makes a hitting motion and says "bad boy!"

We often get movies from "Netflix". Once we got the movie "Flushed Away". We had been telling Jack that we were going to watch it that night, so at dinner when Jack said the prayer it was like this; "Dear God, please bless da food an thank you for mommy an daddy an thank you for fushed away, Amen."

The one thing that makes Jack and Sam different than other little kids is that they have a metabolic disorder. I have no idea how to explain what that is. If you want to understand it go to my moms blog Her blog is mostly about Sam and Jack.

What I do understand is that if Sam and Jack's blood sugar gets too low they get severe hypoglycemia and that means they have to go to the ER. They have lots of medicine that they have to take at meal times.

They are still very sweet little boys and there is nothing to stop them from having a normal life.

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