Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Gardening

Recently I started thinking that I need to work on the garden I started last year. So I weeded it, and watered the few plants that had come back. Mom and I decided to go shopping for some more plants.

Here are the plants we bought: Bleeding heart, Coleus, Impatiens, Begonias, And a perennial that did not have a tag but it looked pretty.

This is me planting.

Here is some of the new plants.

This is one of the plants from last year. I really did not expect this Japanese fern to come back, I was very surprised when it did.

Here is my completed garden.

I am very happy that we have a cat this year; our cat Linus likes to sit with me in my garden, and he keeps away all the rabbits that love to chew on my plants.

This is linked to the Flexible Homeschooler's Family Garden 101.


  1. I can't wait until everything is blooming.

  2. That is cool. I love the garden. I often Garden with my Grandmother. My Mom actually found your blog. She said that you sounded a lot like me. If you want here is my blog.
